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Diana Loredana Pantea aka. Rifas , born in 04/28/1983, in Deva - graduated of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting Department, U.A.D. , Cluj-Napoca , I studied Fine Arts under the guidance of the romanian contemporary artists , such as : Ioan Sbarciu, Nicolae Man, Ioan Aurel Muresan , Florin Maxa .
After graduation ,I improved the gained knowledge in the Western University, Faculty of Arts and Design, Department of...

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23.62 x 39.37 in
70.87 x 51.18 in
70.87 x 55.12 in
39.37 x 55.12 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
55.12 x 74.80 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
31.50 x 21.65 in
55.12 x 74.80 in
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Diana Loredana Pantea aka. Rifas , born in 04/28/1983, in Deva - graduated of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting Department, U.A.D. , Cluj-Napoca , I studied Fine Arts under the guidance of the romanian contemporary artists , such as : Ioan Sbarciu, Nicolae Man, Ioan Aurel Muresan , Florin Maxa .
After graduation ,I improved the gained knowledge in the Western University, Faculty of Arts and Design, Department of Painting, following Master courses teached by renowned professors such as: Daniela Acea, David Carol, Ileana Pintilie, Dacian Andoni.
My creations includes figurative or abstract, traditional painting, original concepts, photography, photo - manipulation, digital art.
Mixed technique paintings are made by joining or patching pictorial surface with different combinations of materials and textures of cloth, cardboard, plywood, crystals and pulp color, well integrated in the coherence of the compositional structure.
On the one hand, I give free will to the flow evolution and informal gestures, stimulating destructive forces, and on the other hand, clarifying forms of human traits, these wandering spirits are pushed to the limit of a symbolic dialogue with the audience.
Substrate raise topics of psychological, philosophical, mystical, mythological, fantastic, romantic, literary, mathematical, metaphorical vision prior to painting, through metamorphosis and anamorphosis the figurative into abstract images, from real to imaginary.
Theme, style and plastic approach, pictorial plans, suggests that the sources of inspiration, are the works of several renowned artists from Art History: Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Paul McCarthy, Matthew Barney, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Vanessa Beecroft, Bill Viola, Gunter Bruss, Otto Muehl, Glenn Brown, Ion Grigorescu, Klimt, Picasso, Chagal, Otto Dix, Turner, Constable, Fussli, Munch, Delacrois, Rubens, Caravaggio, Titian, Van Gogh, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Goya, Gustave Dore.
Among the most important events I have participated ,includes:

Exhibition " Entropic Field " ,2011,to the ?Colorida ?Art Gallery, Portugal;
Exhibition " Rock Memorandum ", 2011, ?Habitus?Cultural Center, Sibiu ,International Festival Artmania;
Exhibition "Im Kontext" - Hans Schnell International Kunst der Gegenwart, 2011, Austria;
Exhibition of master students entitled : " The need of entropy " at ?Pygmalion? Art House,2010, Timisoara;
U.A.D. graduate exhibition, Class of 2006, at Expo-Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca.


2009-2011- Universitary studies at The University of West, Faculty of Arts and Design Painting section: The image Sources and Resources;

2010 - Workshop at Summer School, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, with the artist Hans Schnell;

2001 - 2006 ? Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts at The University of Art and Design, U.A.D. Cluj- Napoca;

1997- 2001 - Graduated High School of Music and Fine Arts "Sigismund Toduta", Deva;

Certificates, courses and awards:

2003- Certificate of linguistic competence for French Language;

2001-Certificate of professional competence-Technician in Textile Arts;

1998- for the poster contest "Europe ordinary people" obtained III Place;

1997 - at The National Fine Arts Competition titled "Atelier8" won III Place;

Personal exhibitions:

2011- 2012 - Participation in Expo ArtZept 2011 - Zepter International Design Award, Italy, "Box for Everything and for nothing'', along with other participating exhibits displayed in a traveling exhibition organized by Zepter International, which will visit the important cities of the world, and will be presented in an exhibition catalog;

2011- Personal exhibition: "Entropic Field ", at ?Colorida ? Art Gallery, Portugal;

2011-Personal exhibition "Rock Memorandum" at ?Habitus? Cultural Center, Sibiu, Artmania International Festival;

2006- Personal exhibition of digital art at the Cultural Center of ?Octavian Goga ? Library, Cluj-Napoca;

2006 - Exhibition of paintings and drawings with the series of portraits titled:'' Rock stars'', at''Seven'' Club , Cluj-Napoca;

2006 - Exhibition of paintings titled '' Fall '' at ''Rock, Jazz & Blues'' Café, Deva;

2005 - Exhibition of paintings and drawings with the series of portraits titled:'' Rock stars?at ''Rock, Jazz & Blues'' Café ,Deva;

2005 - Exhibition of paintings and drawings called: ''Bloody darkness? at ''Rock, Jazz & Blues'' Café,Deva;

2004 - Exhibition of paintings and drawings called:''Bloody darkness?at ''Jazz'' Café, Cluj-Napoca ;

2003 - Exhibition of paintings with the series of portraits titled: ''Rock stars'' at ''Jazz'' Café ,Cluj-Napoca.

Group Exhibitions:

2011- Participation to The Exhibition of MFA students, Painting Section, in the Faculty of Arts and Design, UVT-Timisoara;

2011 - Exhibition "Im Kontext" - Hans Schnell International Kunst der Gegenwart, Austria, along with famous artists such as: Josef Beuys, Hans Schnell, Paul Schneider, Emil Schumacher etc;

2010 - Participated of 1Year Master students Exhibition, Painting Section, Timisoara-entitled: "The need of entropy" at The ?Pygmalion? Art House Gallery, Timisoara;

2010 - Participated in the Exhibition-?? Open Gallery '', with the painting: "Metamorphosis" at the center of ?Forma ?Art Gallery , Deva;

2010 - Participated in UVT students group exhibition, with the painting:"Death Embrace", Arad;

2010 - Participated in group exhibition ''The city days'' with the painting: ?'Sunset Boulevard''-Campina;

2009 - Participated in group exhibition with the artwork:"Metamorphosis" at Visual Arts Fair, Museum of Art, Timisoara;

2008 - Participated in group exhibition? Experimental Art, with the project inspired by human rights and entitled: "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite" with Graffiti & Happening, at the center of ?Forma? Art Gallery, Deva;

2006 - - Participated in group exhibition of graduated students at U.A.D.- Cluj-Napoca, with the series of 7 paintings of licensed work, entitled: " Fall ", at the center of Expo-Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca.

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